Reviewing Cenex LCV 2019 Event
By Paul Fears | 07 October 2019
Cenex-LCV is the UK’s premier low carbon vehicle event and the 2019 show was held at Millbrook in Bedfordshire, UK (4-5 September 2019). After exhibiting at the event for the second consecutive year, Matthew Swallow, our Technical Product Manager for Magnetic Assemblies reviews the event.
Bunting’s Stand At Cenex LCV 2019
“For Bunting, the Cenex-LCV event is an opportunity to talk about our latest involvement in the growing Electric Vehicles industry. In 2018, our focus was introducing Grain Boundary Diffusion (GBD) as a commercially viable higher performance grade of magnet. GBD enables the production of Neodymium Magnets having better magnetic performance in harsher conditions (eg high temperatures). At Cenex-LCV in 2019, we announced that GBD magnets are now commercially viable for high-end applications. The increasing price of Dysprosium (Dy) means that GBD magnets are now more cost-effective that traditional method manufacture and, within a few years, we predict that GBD will become the new standard.
GBD Magnets have a 20% increase in energy density for the same coercivity bracket, reducing the size of smaller motors by 20% whilst maintaining the same performance. This yeilds significant savings for the cost and weight driven Electric Vehicle market.

In addition to this ever-changing magnet material landscape, we are promoting the SusMagPro recycling programme, looking for the right commercial venture to consume the future supply of UK produced recycled magnets. A representative from Jaguar Landover was very interested in this route to market for magnets and spent over an hour on the stand! Low carbon projects or carbon neutral projects requiring magnets will have the opportunity of further reducing their carbon footprint by using recycled magnets.
Visitors to the Bunting stand also wanted to know about our range of post-assembly magnetising systems for surface mount or Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) rotors. With a standard range of magnetising systems and a matching fixture design for each type of machine, it is possible to quickly and accurately select the right charger and cost the fixture for any given electric machine. In addition to magnetisers designed and built for customers, our increased capacity to 100kj means we can now offer in-house build and charge facilities for IPM and surface mount rotors at a fraction of the investment cost of a full charger system and tooling can be amortised over relatively low rotor volumes.
Cenex-LCV 2019 proved to be an exciting show, providing the ideal platform to meet new and existing customers. In 2020, we hope to have our magnetic sensor setter on display at the event, allowing 1 Gauss controlled setting of Alnico for the most demanding EV sensing application.”
Bunting design and manufacture a wide range of magnets magnetic assemblies. Many are bespoke for specific applications. For further information on bespoke magnet assemblies or magnet designs, please contact us via:
Phone: +44 (0) 1442 875081
Via the Bunting-Berkhamsted website for specialist magnets and magnetic assemblies
Via Bunting-eMagnets for online purchase of Magnets and Magnetic Technology