Magnet Health and Safety Advice
By Paul Fears | 06 June 2017
The high magnetic strength of present-day Permanent Magnets, such as Rare Earth Neodymium, is vitally important in Computer Hard Drives, Audio Equipment, Motors, Door Catches, and even Jewellery.
However, there are also Health and Safety precautions that need to be taken when handling high strength Neodymium Magnets. These magnet health and safety precautions need to be considered both by manufacturers of products that incorporate these magnets and the General Public.
Health and Safety Magnet Hazards
For the General Public

- People with Heart Pace Makers should avoid being near strong magnets. In some situations, a Heart Pace Maker will stop working if placed within 30mm of a neodymium magnet;
- Strong magnets, especially neodymium magnets. should not be given to children. Such magnets can attract forcefully onto any steel fascia (e.g. dishwasher or fridge door) and could trap or pinch the fingers of a young child. Indeed, we strongly advise that all strong magnets are kept well out of the reach of young children;
- If strong magnets are placed close the the screen of a television, computer monitor, or analogue watch, the strong magnetic field can cause permanent damage;
- Strong Magnets may affect or interfere with sensitive electronic instruments and it is advisable to always keep magnets at a distance of at least 100mm;
- Magnets can destroy information stored on magnetic media such as credit cards, floppy discs and computer hard drives and should be at least 50mm away from a Magnet;
- It is recommended that magnets are not used by any women who is pregnant;
- Diabetics are to ensure that high strength magnets are kept at a safe distance when using an insulin pump;
For Industry
- Modern Permanent Magnets can attract steel objects or other magnets from large distances and cause trapping injuries. Place non ferrous (wood / polystyrene / plastic / aluminium) parts between magnets and any steel or other magnet to prevent this hazard;
- Many Magnets are brittle and may shatter if they are allowed to ‘jump’ together or onto a steel surface. During the assembly of equipment with high strength magnets, it is always advisable to wear suitable eye protection;
- Do not use magnets in explosive atmospheres;
Of course, Magnets are also used for health benefits and are used widely in Magnet Therapy!
For more information on staying safe and healthy when using high strength ‘Rare Earth’ Neodymium Magnets, please contact us on:
Phone: +44(0)1442 875081